
This is the first time・・・


This must be the first time I see this kind of FURISODE顔文字

I just need to write this down in English!?

Can’t you believe that “LOVE IS ETERNAL” printed on it?

Working several yrears here at the KIMONO shop,

but I’ve never seen such an American? style kimono妖精さん

『楽しいきもの屋さん日記』 きものしゃなり☆ブログ-しゃなり

I know some people, especially those who love kimonos,

would not be accepted this kind of new fasionちーん

Ya, Kimono is our “traditional”

and its hand-made works, with beatiful silk-touch,

makes me feeling very much being a JapaneseYES

When girls wear FURISODE for their coming-age party,

many of them want to be the number one for sure,

wanna take all the new style and fasion trends宝石ブルー


Well, have fan with your lovely kimonoLOVE

